Tuesday, December 27, 2011


 Dress Sharp
Although clothes don’t make the man, they certainly affect the way he feels about himself. No one is more conscious of your physical appearance than you are. When you don’t look good, it changes the way you carry yourself and interact with other people. Use this to your advantage by taking care of your personal appearance. In most cases, significant improvements can be made by bathing and shaving frequently, wearing clean clothes, and being cognizant of the latest styles.
This doesn’t mean you need to spend a lot on clothes. One great rule to follow is “spend twice as much, buy half as much”. Rather than buying a bunch of cheap clothes, buy half as many select, high quality items. In long run this decreases spending because expensive clothes wear out less easily and stay in style longer than cheap clothes. Buying less also helps reduce the clutter in your closet.

 Walk Faster
One of the easiest ways to tell how a person feels about herself is to examine her walk. Is it slow? tired? painful? Or is it energetic and purposeful? People with confidence walk quickly. They have places to go, people to see, and important work to do. Even if you aren’t in a hurry, you can increase your self confidence by putting some pep in your step. Walking 25% faster will make to you look and feel more important.

Good Posture
Similarly, the way a person carries herself tells a story. People with slumped shoulders and lethargic movements display a lack of self confidence. They aren’t enthusiastic about what they’re doing and they don’t consider themselves important. By practicing good posture, you’ll automatically feel more confident. Stand up straight, keep your head up, and make eye contact. You’ll make a positive impression on others and instantly feel more alert and empowered.

 Personal Commercial
One of the best ways to build confidence is listening to a motivational speech. Unfortunately, opportunities to listen to a great speaker are few and far between. You can fill this need by creating a personal commercial. Write a 30-60 second speech that highlights your strengths and goals. Then recite it in front of the mirror aloud (or inside your head if you prefer) whenever you need a confidence boost.

When you focus too much on what you want, the mind creates reasons why you can’t have it. This leads you to dwell on your weaknesses. The best way to avoid this is consciously focusing on gratitude. Set aside time each day to mentally list everything you have to be grateful for. Recall your past successes, unique skills, loving relationships, and positive momentum. You’ll be amazed how much you have going for you and motivated to take that next step towards success.

 Compliment other people
When we think negatively about ourselves, we often project that feeling on to others in the form of insults and gossip. To break this cycle of negativity, get in the habit of praising other people. Refuse to engage in backstabbing gossip and make an effort to compliment those around you. In the process, you’ll become well liked and build self confidence. By looking for the best in others, you indirectly bring out the best in yourself.

Sit in the front row
In schools, offices, and public assemblies around the world, people constantly strive to sit at the back of the room. Most people prefer the back because they’re afraid of being noticed. This reflects a lack of self confidence. By deciding to sit in the front row, you can get over this irrational fear and build your self confidence. You’ll also be more visible to the important people talking from the front of the room.

 Speak up
During group discussions many people never speak up because they’re afraid that people will judge them for saying something stupid. This fear isn’t really justified. Generally, people are much more accepting than we imagine. In fact most people are dealing with the exact same fears. By making an effort to speak up at least once in every group discussion, you’ll become a better public speaker, more confident in your own thoughts, and recognized as a leader by your peers.

 Work out
Along the same lines as personal appearance, physical fitness has a huge effect on self confidence. If you’re out of shape, you’ll feel insecure, unattractive, and less energetic. By working out, you improve your physcial appearance, energize yourself, and accomplish something positive. Having the discipline to work out not only makes you feel better, it creates positive momentum that you can build on the rest of the day.
Focus on contribution
Too often we get caught up in our own desires. We focus too much on ourselves and not enough on the needs of other people. If you stop thinking about yourself and concentrate on the contribution you’re making to the rest of the world, you won’t worry as much about you own flaws. This will increase self confidence and allow you to contribute with maximum efficiency. The more you contribute to the world the more you’ll be rewarded with personal success and recognition.
Ever wondered exactly how self confident you actually are? 
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Saturday, December 24, 2011


Image representing YouTube as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase                                        It’s been a while since we looked at ways to download YouTube videos to get local copies of your favorite vids, and we thought it might be time to take a look at which options are still left standing and what new apps are worth checking out.
                                                                                                      For those of you new to the concept, you’ll need to know a couple of things. Many of these sites and    tools simply grab YouTube videos in their native Flash format (FLV). To watch these files on your desktop, you’ll either need to get yourself an FLV player or convert the files into another format you can watch in your media player of choice (or on your iPod/iPhone, cell phone, or wherever the videos will ultimately end up).
Some of the listed tools include FLV players or file format converters along with the video download functions. Choose your poison according to your needs and patience level — if you do a lot of downloading it might be worth your while to check out the more full-featured apps.
And now, on with the list!
This is by no means a comprehensive list — we left out a number of sites and apps with nearly identical features to the items on this list. And though we included a few freemium and paid apps, we avoided some of the more costly tools in favor of the free and cheap in this set.
There’s also sure to be some apps and sites we just don’t know about yet — so if you have a favorite tool for downloading YouTube videos to your desktop, let us know in the comments! If you’re listing a paid app, be sure and tell us why it’s worth paying for.
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Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase
  1. Remove Facebook Connect logins. If you use a Connect site to log in with your Facebook information, the account deletion will be cancelled and your account will be reactivated. If you have accounts on such sites, go to each of them, and:
    • Make sure you have a way to login that does not involve Facebook Connect (you will most likely have to create a username and password on the site if you haven't already).
    • Log out of the account, then log back in using the alternate method (not using Facebook Connect), ensuring that you will be able to access the account after your Facebook account is deleted.
  2. Remove all Linked Accounts so that you won't accidentally log into Facebook.

Short Method 1

  1. Go to the Facebook account deletion page once you have logged in. You will see this screen:

  2. Click the "Submit" button and follow the instructions. There will be a password field and a CAPTCHA image to enter in. CAPTCHA images are to make sure you are the real owner of your account and not just an automated program.

    Click the "Submit" button and follow the instructions.
    Click the "Submit" button and follow the instructions.
  3. Do not login or connect with your Facebook account. You will receive an email saying that your account will be deleted in 14 days, which is 2 weeks. Any interaction with the account during that period could prevent it from being deleted, so in the meantime:
    • Do not try to login to your Facebook account; you may want to clear your browser cache and delete your cookies so that you don't login inadvertently.
    • Do not click the Facebook "Share" or "Like" button on any site you visit.
    • Do not use Facebook Connect to login to or signup on any site (see Before You Start, above.)
  4. Wait and watch. After 2 weeks, all of your information will be permanently made inaccessible on Facebook.

Longer Method 2

  1. If the short method does not work for you, here is the longer method that sets out how to get to the deletion button.
  2. Go to the bottom of the home page. Click on the "Help" link to access the Facebook Help Center.

    Go to the bottom of the home page.
    Go to the bottom of the home page.
  3. At the Help Center, type "Delete Facebook" into the search box at the top of the page. Click "Search."

    At the Help Center, type "Delete Facebook" into the search box at the top of the page.
    At the Help Center, type "Delete Facebook" into the search box at the top of the page.
  4. Arrive at the page titled "Facebook FAQs." Look down the list of FAQs and open the one called: "I want to permanently delete my account. How do I delete my account?"

    Arrive at the page titled "Facebook FAQs.
    Arrive at the page titled "Facebook FAQs.
  5. Read the Facebook information - it basically asks you whether you want to deactivate your account or delete it permanently. (Deactivating means that Facebook retains your profile information (friends, photos, etc.) but you have disappeared from the Facebook service.) Facebook makes it clear that if you want your information removed forever, you can never recover the information and it will be wiped for good.
  6. Visit the account deletion page. You will be reminded that this is a permanent deletion and that your account cannot be reactivated and that none of the content or information you have added can be retrieved.

  7. Click "Submit." Follow the steps, such as entering your password, email, and Captcha code.

    Click "Submit.
    Click "Submit.
  8. Do not log in for the next 14 days and your account will be deleted completely. Note, however, that if you change your mind before the 14 days period is up, just log in and this will reactivate your account!

Emailing Facebook to Delete the Account

  1. To speed up the process and if the above failed, try emailing Facebook.
  2. Email Facebook directly. The email is: privacy@facebook.com. Request that Facebook deletes your account.
  3. Wait to get an email response from Facebook confirming that your account has been permanently deleted. This should take a few days.
  4. If you don't hear back from Facebook within a week, email them again. This time, not only email Facebook at privacy@facebook.com, but also send an email to support@facebook.com and one to info@facebook.com.
  5. Finally, attempt to log in to your account once you get an email from Facebook. If you're unable to log in and don't get a message asking you to reactivate your account, your Facebook account has been permanently deleted.


  1. If you're not 100% sure that you want to permanently remove all that information, you can temporarily "deactivate" your Facebook account. Just follow these instructions.

  • If you really want to be secure, change the contact email back to the new email address and then remove your original contact email from the list. Then deactivate the new account.
  • It should be noted that how deep your deletion goes is highly questionable — Facebook still stores some of your information even though you've destroyed your way of accessing it. For example, if you "create" a new account using the same email address as previously, Facebook will suggest you some people you might know : almost all of them will be friends of your former account. Further, there is currently no way of knowing.
  • Download and backup your tagged Facebook photos, albums and friends' photos with a program such as FB Downloader.

Edit Warnings

  • If you try to register using your contact e-mail address, Facebook will inform you that the address is currently in use. You must first register using an alternate e-mail address, then add your contact e-mail address when the account creation process is complete.
  • Bear in mind that you will not be able to restore your account after the 2 weeks of the permanent deletion process have passed.
  • Be aware that Facebook may still retain information from your account in their databases (they have been unclear about whether they do this). Even though it may never be given out in public, authorities can ask for this information.

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  1. Be well-groomed. This is essential if you are even going to approach an attractive girl. Brush your hair, shower, wash your face, brush your teeth, use deodorant and maybe even a little cologne, and apply acne medicine daily (if you have a problem with your skin). Don't wear your pants off your butt, often called "sagging": it's not that attractive to the majority of girls. Wear clean, attractive clothes that fit. (If in doubt, get an older sister or close female friend to help you in this department.) Don't wear skin tight clothes, but don't wear clothes that are too baggy either. Girls hate that.

  2. Have a great attitude. Be fun to hang around with, easy to laugh with, and be outgoing. Just don't be full of yourself. A girl may like an overly cocky guy at first, but eventually, she will find it selfish. Don't try to impress everyone: girls like humble guys. At the same time, a sense of humor is always good. Girls love when guys can make them laugh.
  3. Show respect. If you respect everyone and give them their space, they'll all respect you. With girls, it works even better. If they see you respecting everyone, and not getting pushed around while you're at it, they will be reassured that you will treat them right. Be kind to all.
  4. Have nice conversations. Try to aim for you both to be speaking half of the time, but make sure that you are saying something worthwhile. It's not attractive when only one person talks endlessly or when they say bad words. Another thing to watch for is her attention. If she isn't paying complete attention, do not repeat yourself several times. This makes girls feel you are desperate, and usually annoying.
  5. Show interest in her. Let her talk. The #1 mistake when talking to a girl is focusing on yourself. Girls are way more comfortable when they talk about common interests. Ask about her interests, hobbies, favorite books, music, etc. If she asks you a question, answer it in a few, short sentences and then redirect the question back at her. This engages her in the conversation. When in doubt, compliment her like your hair looks nice today. Even if a girl does not like you yet, complimenting her will make her feel good about herself and think positively about you. However, if she keeps redirecting the conversation back to you, talk about yourself, otherwise it seems like you don't really want to be talking to her.
  6. Try flirting! Don't be obsessive! If you both make eye contact, do not be the one to look away, but do not stare for too long. When you both make eye contact, just give a slight smile. Touch her arm or shoulder for a few seconds. Physical contact is a great way to show you're interested. If she seems uncomfortable, do not do it again.
    • In general, you should leave physical contact until you both get to know each other more, especially if she's shy. Touches, even to areas that aren't considered taboo (the arms, hands, shoulders, lower legs) may be interpreted as sexual cues if done at too early a stage in the relationship. She may think you're just trying to have a casual sexual relationship, which will usually scare away most girls. Girls will generally break the touch barrier themselves when they're ready.
  7. She may look away and she might blush a little. Be careful though; you don't want to stare her down. A good move is to look away, and if she likes you she will shoot you glances. Watch for that. And be courteous. Open doors. Do kind things, girls love that.
  8. Respect her friends and their ideas and opinions. Always speak highly of her and never talk trash about her. It will damage her reputation and yours. Hopefully then it will work both ways - she will be tolerant of your friends. Be careful not to compliment her friends too much, however. Example: You may say "Your friends seem cool. We should hang out with them and my friends some time, I think they'd get along". You may not say "Sally is so hot. She has the nicest eyes". You may think getting her jealous is a good idea, but it just makes them angry and hurt. Doing this could also sow discord in her friendships, you may actually create bad feelings between her and her friend(s), so make it very clear that you're interested in her only, and that you're merely acquaintances with her friends.
  9. Have your friends be nice to her It's a fantastic thing when your friends don't make a total fool of you. Warn them ahead of time and avoid topics pertaining to embarrassing moments of your past or awkward jokes that make very little sense. Don't introduce her to your friends right away though. You want her to like you, not start dating one of your buddies. If your friends like to embarrass you, try to avoid them altogether.
  10. Be polite to her parents. Be kind to everyone, especially them. Don't be too over-the-top charming with the parents, however, or they'll think that you have something to hide.Be willing make sure that you and her father get along as he will be looking out for his daughter.
  11. Don't criticize her. Unless she asks for constructive criticism. Even in these cases, she probably wants you to compliment her.
  12. Be romantic, but not over the top. If you've been dating for a while you may attempt a grand romantic gesture, otherwise, you'll look like a stalker. It's also okay to be a little cheesy, like giving her a bouquet of roses and a loving poem. It may sound like a bad idea, but girls will find it thoughtful if it came from your heart. A better idea than being cheesy is to really LISTEN to her and remember things she likes. Then take her somewhere she's mentioned wanting to go, or buy her the books she's been wanting and hide a little note inside. Flowers and candy are really cliche and don't really mean much since anyone can just buy someone flowers. Showing you've been listening to her wants and needs goes a LOT farther than roses!!
  13. Start talking to her casually. If you don't know her, make friendly conversation. Ask for the time, and/or compliment her watch. Avoid throwing too many compliments about clothes or shoes around: that might make women think that you are homosexual as many gay men are fashion-forward.
  14. Do not play "hard to get". Sure, you'll get their attention for a day or two then after a while, the girl will end up frustrated, and she'll think you don't find interest in her anymore.
    • At the same time, don't be an "easy catch". Girls will generally lose interest in guys who just fall into the palms of their hands. You should still present a challenge to win over, such as not constantly trying to talk to her whenever she's in your presence, don't be a "goody two-shoes" all of the time (the perfect mannered, completely friendly, always happy kind of guy), and in general try to give off an attitude like you're interested, but not completely devoted (make it obvious that you're still hanging out with friends, doing personal hobbies, etc). Devotion comes when you're actually in a relationship, before that you're just flirting. At the same time, never show any special interest in another girl. All you'll succeed in doing is either make her think you're not interested in a serious relationship (or worse, she may think you're just trying to "hook up" with any possible girl), or you'll hurt her feelings.
  15. Don't get obsessed with her. If she's one of your prospective first romances, it's hard not to spend every waking moment thinking about her. Not only will this drive you insane, but it will make the possible rejection devastating. Continue with your normal hobbies and entertainment and hang out with your normal friends. Don't bother trying to push her completely from your mind, as you're in love, there's no on/off switch. Whenever you start thinking excessively about her, just find something to do, such as reading, watching a movie, play some video games, etc.
  16. Hum in her presence. She might think of you whenever she hears that song. And she'll probably be impressed by your good taste in music. Some girls have actually dumped guys or stopped liking guys when they insulted the music they like. So, it's OK not to like her music, but don't be insulting her favorite singer(s) or band(s)! Try to figure out what music you BOTH like.
  17. Inside jokes: Start an inside joke with her! By doing this the two of you will share a secret connection that is shared between only the two of you. This will make her feel special, included and closer to you. It will also give you an easy-to-come-up-with conversation starter. But keep in mind, if you overuse the inside joke, it could quickly go from fun to boring, so only use it when you must.
  18. Hug her:Most girls love being hugged, (as long as you don't come off as a sleaze when you hug her). There are plently of oppurtunities to hug a girl, for example; after meetings, before and after school, if she is upset, etc. If your brave, tell her you enjoy her hugs and her company (This ought to make her feel special).
  19. Tell her how you feel: Most girls love to share their emotions, so if you share yours with them they will greatly appreciate it. Tell her you think she is a great friend, or tell her you think she is cute. If you have a crush on a girl i'm not saying you have to tell her, but telling her simple sweet things can really impress her. Guys who share their emotions are a lot cuter then guys who do not.
  20. Touch her: Eventually you will have to break the touch barrier, and if you already have then touch her occasionally. Do not touch her in a sensul way if she is not interested, just be friendly about it; try touching her gently on shoulder, her hand or the small of her back. Your touch can be very comforting to a girl.
  21. Opposites attract. You may not seem to have anything in common, but do not give up on a relationship if you realize that her personality is the polar opposite of yours.
  22. Show your funny side. A lot of women look for sense of humor in a partner. You should however be mindful of their reactions to your jokes and avoid offensive humor. Unless they like that. Find out if she likes comedy. If she watches Comedy Central or other readily-accessible comedy, find out her favorite comedian or favorite impression and try something along the same lines for her.
  23. Make her feel good. This is a really good thing that impresses girls. They love it when you let them know you care for them. If she's sad, just simply put your arm around her neck. Make her happy as much as you can. Flirt with her, hold her hand it will make her feel special.
  24. Don't ever make fun of your friends around her. If you do, it might make her think that you're a jerk. When someone makes fun of other people, it makes a woman wonder what they might be saying about HER when she's not around!
  25. Be interesting: Do something creative, something extraordinary or something that others don't usually do. This will draw attention your way, it creates a question mark for the girl about you, she will be dying to know more about you and no doubt she will find you intriguing. Joing a mixture of sporting clubs and intellectual clubs will make you come off as an intersting guy who loves to exercise both his body and mind... very attractive to some.
  26. Be open: Now, you don't have to share too many secrets with her, but sprinkle a little just to keep her interested. Don't irritate her by repeating questions she doesn't want to answer, if she doesn't want to be open about everything, don't sweat it. Always keep your face glowing and charming and use positive body language to keep yourself open for conversation.
  27. Don't ignore her: Don't ever ignore her messages, if she sends you a text or email then that means she has been thinking of you and wants to chat. Make her feel like you always have time for her, she will adore this, girls love to receive an interesting message back from you, keep her wanting to talk to you.
  28. Tease her: You could try teasing her if you like, (depending on her personality) believe it or not, most girls liked to be teased (If it's in a light-hearted way). It can be about anything, as long as she knows you are joking. Be careful not to overdo it, and make sure that your humor is clear (you do not want to sound like a fool).
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Using an oil filter wrench to replace the oil ...Image via Wikipedia
                                                                The oil drain plug is far and away the most removed and replaced bolt in a vehicle. It requires special care when removing or replacing it because the oil pan that it bolts into is thin and the threads can be stripped pretty easily. Auto parts manufacturers realized this problem and began creating oversized, self-tapping drain plugs. These drain plugs have a tapered end and will cut new threads into the oil pan. This saves the time of removing the pan and using a die to cut new threads.
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Things You'll Need

    • 1
      Jack up the front of the vehicle and secure it with jack stands. Slide the drain pan beneath the oil drain plug on the oil pan. Remove the oil drain plug, with a ratchet and socket. When the drain pan is stripped, you typically need to hold constant downward pressure on the drain plug for it to catch the the threads, by prying the head of the drain plug down with a flathead screwdriver.
    • 2
      Allow all of the oil to drain into the drain pan.
    • 3
      Coat the threads of the oversized drain plug with new oil. The oil provides the lubrication needed to cut new threads. Insert the tapered end of the oversized plug and rotate it two full turns with a combination wrench. Then back the plug back out.
    • 4
      Tighten the drain plug two rotations past where it was and back it out.
    • 5
      Repeat Step 4 until the oversized drain plug is fully seated in the drain pan. Stop at the halfway point to clean the plug with a lint-free cloth and re-lubricate the threads with oil.
    • 6
      Open the vehicle's hood and open the oil filler cap. Pour two quarts of lightweight engine oil, such as 0W20 or 5W20, into the oil filler hole, using a funnel.
    • 7
      Crawl beneath the vehicle and remove the oversized drain plug and allow the lightweight oil to drain from the engine. This rids the oil pan of any shards of metal created by cutting the new threads. Reinstall the new drain plug, with its new gasket attached, and tighten it with a combination wrench. If you wish to change the filter as part of this oil change, now is the time to do it.
    • 8
      Fill the engine with the specified weight and amount of oil, as recommended in the owner's manual of your vehicle. Remove the funnel and tighten the oil filler cap. Start the vehicle and allow it to run for approximately two minutes. Shut the engine down, wait two more minutes, and recheck the oil level, add oil as needed.

Read more: How to Rethread an Oil Pan | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_8055942_rethread-oil-pan.html#ixzz1hThqf361
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English: Oil being drained from a GMC Sport Ut...Image via WikipediaEnglish: Oil filterImage via Wikipedia
                                                                             Engine oil sampling and analysis is used to determine the condition of your engine, check for contaminates in the oil and to ensure essential additives are not depleted. Proper sampling procedures include avoiding external contamination and obtaining a sample that provides an accurate representation of your oil's condition. Samples should be taken when the engine is running, whenever possible, or at least after the engine has been warmed up.
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  1. Drop Tube Sampling

    • This method requires a plastic tube that is inserted in your engine's dipstick tube, and pushed down into the oil pan. After the tube is inserted, a small hand pump is used to draw the oil up and into the sample container. Since it important to collect a sample from the mid point in the oil pan, you should use a graduated tube or wire to predetermine the proper insertion depth. Samples taken from too deep in the pan will be contaminated with sediments and sludge.

    Drain Port Sampling

    • Taking an oil sample when draining your engine oil is easy to accomplish. After warming up the engine, place the drain pan below the oil pan and open the oil drain plug. Allow about half of the oil to drain before placing the sample container in the oil stream. As soon as the sample container is full, quickly remove it from the stream so you do not pick up sediment from the bottom of the oil pan. Be careful not contaminate the sample container with dirt and grease on your hands or equipment.

    Pressurized Line Sampling

    • Pressurized line sampling is the preferred method of obtaining an oil sample, but will entail greater expense and effort. Since most passenger vehicle engines do not have external oil lines, an adapter must be installed between the engine block and the oil filter to provide a means of drawing off oil while the engine is running. On heavy duty vehicles with external oil cooler lines, engine oil samples can be obtained by installing a fitting in the pressure line and drawing off the sample while the engine is running.

    Oil Sample Testing

    • Taking the oil sample when the engine is running, or after the oil is warmed-up, provides a sample that contains all of the microscopic particles that are suspended in the lubrication system. At the testing lab, the sample will be tested for trace metals that indicate which engine parts may be failing. Other contaminates that may be found are sludge, water and antifreeze. Oil testing may indicate if essential additives are depleted from your oil indicating the need for an immediate oil change.

Read more: Engine Oil Sampling Procedures | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_12212417_engine-oil-sampling-procedures.html#ixzz1hTgTNMKX
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Anti-lock brakes (ABS) are common systems in many cars on the road today. Late-model vehicles come equipped with sophisticated systems that require special and expensive scanning tools to diagnose and pinpoint a system's trouble source. Still, whether you own a late or older vehicle model, there are some common problem spots you can check to diagnose possible sources of trouble on your car's ABS. You need only a minimum of tools to perform this diagnosis at home.
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Things You'll Need

  • Floor jack
  • 2 Jack stands
  • 2 wooden blocks
  • Tread wear indicator
  • Lug wrench
  • Wrench
    • 1
      Make a visual inspection of the brake system components under the hood for obvious signs of trouble, such as fluid leaks, loose connectors, bolts and sensors around the brake master cylinder and connected lines. The master cylinder is attached to the brake booster, a drum-like component in the engine compartment on the driver's side.
    • 2
      Inspect the brake fluid in the reservoir, the plastic bottle on top of the brake master cylinder. Make sure the fluid level in the reservoir is correct. If you find yourself frequently adding fluid to the reservoir, check for leaks around the hydraulic modulator, master cylinder, calipers and connecting lines. Since anti-lock brake system designs vary from one vehicle model and year to another, consult the vehicle service manual for your particular model to locate and identify these components.
    • 3
      Raise the front wheel/tire assemblies off the ground using a floor jack and support the vehicle on jack stands. Block the wheels on the ground with wooden blocks.
    • 4
      Set the transmission to neutral and manually rotate the wheel assemblies to make sure they rotate freely. Otherwise, check for damage to the caliper or a mechanical bind preventing the wheel hub from rotating freely.
    • 5
      Listen for noises as you rotate the wheel/tire assembly. If the wheel bearing is worn out or damaged, it will prevent the wheel speed sensor and ABS system from operating properly.
    • 6
      Inspect the thread depth on each of the front tires using a tread wear indicator. Both front tires should have the same wear. Also, make sure these tires are of equal size. Uneven tire wear or size will affect the operation of the ABS system.
    • 7
      Remove the wheel assembly using a lug wrench.
    • 8
      Check the brake pads, rotors and caliper for loose mounting bolts. Also check for a leaking or damaged brake hose and lines connecting to the brake caliper. Also, look for signs of damage and wet spots around the brake pads and rotors that might indicate damage to the brake lines and caliper piston seals.
    • 9
      Inspect the wheel speed sensor for damage. Check the sensor body and follow the electrical wire to its connector. Make sure the wire is in good condition and there is a good connection. Then check the sensor-mounting bolt. Using a wrench, make sure the bolt is tight. When ready, lower your front wheel/tires off the jack stands.
    • 10
      Check the rear wheel/tire assemblies this time, following Steps 3 through 9.

Read more: How to Diagnose ABS Brakes | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_8511860_diagnose-abs-brakes.html#ixzz1hTevHb8J
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Jumper cables are used to start a vehicle with a dead battery. The jumper cables are attached to the dead battery and a fully charged battery in another vehicle. This must be done correctly and in the right order to avoid sparks or a shock. It is also important to disconnect the jumper cables in the right order. Once the vehicle with the dead battery is started, drive the vehicle to charge the dead battery.



Things You'll Need

  • Jumper cables
  • Vehicle with dead battery
  • Vehicle with charged battery
    • 1
      Determine whether you need jumper cables. If you turn the key and your vehicle makes a click, but won't start, you will indeed need jumper cables. If the vehicle makes a starting noise and electrical devices such as your lights and radio work, then the battery is not your problem; thus, jumper cables will not help.
    • 2
      Unravel the jumper cables so that they are straight. Note that each end has two clips: a red clip and a black clip.
    • 3
      Park the vehicle with the fully charged battery next to the vehicle with the dead battery. It is important that the two batteries are close enough so that the jumper cables can reach. It is best to park the vehicles with the engines either facing each other or side by side. Raise both hoods so the engines are exposed.
    • 4
      Attach one of the jumper cable red clips to the positive terminal of the dead battery. A "+" sign will indicate which terminal is positive. The positive terminal is also a little bit larger than the negative terminal. You may need to remove a plastic cover on the terminal to attach the red clip. The clip should be attached to the metal part of the terminal nub.
    • 5
      Attach the other red clip to the positive terminal of the fully charged battery. This will also be designated by a "+" sign and the positive terminal will be slightly larger. The clip should be attached to the metal part of the terminal nub.
    • 6
      Locate the black clip next to the red one you just attached to the fully charged battery. Attach this black clip to the negative terminal of the fully charged battery. This will be indicated by a "-" sign on the battery. The clip should be attached to the metal part of the terminal nub.
    • 7
      "Ground" the other black clip to the engine block of the car with the dead battery. You do this by clipping it to any piece of metal on the engine. Don't panic if your jumper cables spark a little bit when you do this. If you aren't touching any metal parts, you won't be shocked.
    • 8
      Start the vehicle with the dead battery. It should start right up. If it doesn't, check the connections on your jumper cables.
    • 9
      Disconnect the jumper cables in reverse order. Remove the black clip on your engine block first followed by the black clip on the charged battery and then the red clip next to it. Finally, remove the red clip on your battery.

Read more: How to Use Jumper Cables | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_4500480_use-jumper-cables.html#ixzz1hSmLD9iT
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Friday, December 23, 2011


In this how to make a website guide I will show you exactly how to setup your own website from start to finish.
Creating your own website doesn’t cost thousands of dollars. By completing this tutorial you should have your own website up and running within about 2 hours.
The cost to you will be $11 USD for a domain name and $5.95 per month for website hosting. All the information provided on this site is free of charge.
Thousands of people visit this website every day and you can be the next website success story.

What Will You Need ?

To setup a website you only need these two things
  • A domain name
  • A web hosting account
You will learn how you can get a domain in step 1, get web hosting in step 2 and 3, and how to set up your website in steps 4, 5 and 6.
For the purpose of this tutorial we are going to use one of my websites as the example. The site we will setup is called www.makeawebsitesample.com
So let’s get started!

Step 1 – Register A Domain Name

It is important to get your domain name right. Here are some tips on choosing the right domain:
  • It is brand-able (like facebook.com)
  • Or it has something to do with what your site is about (like dogbreedingtips.com)
  • Its easily memorable
  • preferably ends in .com
Once you have chosen your name you need to register that name. This process takes 4 steps.
1) You need to register your domain name. The best place to do that is namecheap.com. Click this link to be redirected to http://www.namecheap.com so you can register you domain name.
On the home page in the middle there is a search box that looks like this:


2) Enter the domain that you want to register and click search.
The results will look something like this where there are many variations of the same domain name.
We are going to selected the .com version of the domain because that is the best one to choose.

3) If your domain is available, click the add to cart button.
NOTE: if you don’t have an account with namecheap you will need to register an account with them. You need to do this before you can pay for your domain.
4) Click the checkout button at the bottom and fill in your details (note you may have to create an account with namecheap at this stage)
Select the registration for a 1 year period and follow the checkout process until payment.
Once you have paid you domain should instantly appear in your account and a recept should have been sent to your email.
Don’t worry about accessing your domain just yet we will cover that in a few steps time.
Now that you are the new owner of a brand new domain for your website we need to work on setting you up with a hosting account.

Step 2 – Set Up A Web Host Account

Now that you have your domain you need somewhere to store all your website files. That is why you need a web hosting account.
After testing many of the popular providers we now only recommend Bluehost.
Bluehost is one of only four recommended web hosting providers for wordpress (our recommend website building software). They are safe, secure and reliable with 24/7 customer support and fast servers for good website performance.
- Here’s how to set up a web hosting account with Bluehost:
1) First you need to visit the bluehost website by clicking this link: www.bluehost.com.
When you vist there site on the home page in the middle there is a green button that says “Sign Up Now” click that.

2) Since you have already registered your domain then the next step is to enter that domain in the “I have a Domain Name” box on the right hand side. You can see that step in the image below. Once you have done that click Next.

3) Fill in the account and billing information into the Sign Up Now form. (see below)
Don’t select the options at the top about buying extra domains.
Do select Site Lock Domain Security and Site Backup Pro, they are your website insurance policies if things go bad and you need to get a backup or fix a problem.
Then enter in your credit card information and click Next at the bottom to complete the order.


4) At the same time it is going to ask you to setup a new password for your account. Go ahead and do those steps.
Make sure that you remember this as you will use this to login to your account at a later date.
5) Your hosting account should be setup within about an hour (usually about 10 minutes) and bluehost will send you an email that confirms the setup of your account.
In that email it will talk about welcome to Bluehost and how to get started.
Now that you have your domain and hosting it is time to build your website.

Step 3 – Point Your Domain To Your Hosting

Although this step sounds complex it is very simple to achieve. You are going to update your DNS (domain name system). In laymen’s terms this like the GPS instructions you input in a car.
1) Go back to where you registered your domain: http://namecheap.com
Go to the top right hand corner and click my account. Then go ahead and login.
2) Once you are logged in your account you will see the list of domains in your account. This should be the domain name that you registered in step one. The next step is to click on your domain name in your account panel. For demonstration purposes I have highlighted an example domain below. The other domains in the account have been lurred for privacy reasons.
3) Once you have click on your domain you will be taken to a new page where you need to select ‘Transfer DNS To Web Host’ which is located in the top left hand corner of the website. See the image below for visual instructions.

4) In this step you need to add the name server information (GPS coordinates).
Please enter:
Into the corresponding 1 and 2 slots.
Then Click Save Changes.

5) You’re done!
Congratulations! – you’ve successfully linked a Name domain to a Bluehost account!
If you run into any trouble the namecheap and bluehost support will help you solve any problems you may be experiencing.

Step 4 – Install WordPress On Your Site

Why install wordpress?
WordPress is a free website building platform that has been commonly used by web designers for many years. It is probably the most used website building platform for individuals, small business and large corporate websites.
It allows you to build a website very quickly and is simple to use and customizable if you choose. It saves you hiring expensive web designers and programers. It is also search engine friendly so people can find your website.
However manually installing wordpress can take about 1 day to complete.
That is why we recommend bluehost.
Bluehost has a built in, one-click, wordpress installer. Which saves you lots of time.
This wordpress installer comes free with every Bluehost hosting plan.
To install wordpress follow these steps:
1) Go to Bluehost.com and in the top right hand corner Click ‘Control Panel Login”

2) Enter your domain and password to login to your ‘Control Panel’

3) Once you are in your cpanel for your website scroll down to the bottom of the page to the Software/Services section and select the wordpress icon.

4) In the next screen select install
5) The you need to make your installation preferences.
Leave the sectiosn in step 1 as is.
Ignore the advanced settings in step 2
UN-Check both boxes in step 3
Select that you have read the displaimer in Step 4.
Click Complete.
6) Save your information.
Once your blog has been setup you need to copy the login information that is produced for your website.
This information will also be emailed to you.
You need this information for Step 5 and 6 to configure and customize your website.
If you go to your domain now you should see the default wordpress installed and the start of your new website.

DONE: If you have completed all the above steps correctly your should have now setup your website.
NOTE: It may take up to 48 hours for the bluehost system to register your account get it setup and turn it on.
Don’t panic if you go to your domain name and you dont get your wordpress blog. To confirm it should look something like this. Just sit tight, there is nothing that you can do that will speed the process up. It should be up and running within that time period and then you can complete the next step.

Step 5 – Configuring Your Website

Once you have setup your site you will want to login and add content, redesign it and make some changes. To do this you need to access the wp-login of your website.
You do this by typing into your address bar you domain name then /wp-login. You will use the username and password that you saved from the final step of setting up your wordpress site.
Once you have logged into the site you you should come to your dashboard which looks like this:

This is where you control your website from. All changes you want to make can be done from here.
If you look down the left hand side you will notice a bunch of menus like posts, pages plugins etc.
Here is an explanation of each.
1) Posts – used mainly for blogging. You can create a post which will show up on the blog page of your website. This can be tagged, categorized and organized how you choose.
2) Media – Managing video and pictures on your website.
3) Links – Add links that you can put on the side of your website.
4) Pages – Used for adding new, fresh pages to your website. You can also browse the options for choosing the page slug, enabling/disabling comments, changing the page order, modifying the page template, etc.
5) Comments – managing comments people make on your blog posts.
5) Appearance – Allows you to customize your website. Starting with the design, then also the layout and structure.
6) Plugins – Used to improve your websites functionality and usability.
7) Users – Managing the administrators of the website (who can login or not)
icon cool Settings – Allows you to edit the general settings of your website.

Step 6 – Customizing Your Website

Now you have the basics of your website up and running you may want to customize the design of your website.
You basically have two options.
1) Get a pre designed template and add it to your website.
2) Get a custom design specifically for your site that includes all the design and colour elements that suit you. We offer a service like that and you can find more about that here:

Firstly the two pre done template sources that we recommend are woothemes and diythemes.
Woo themes is a website that has a collection of ready made templates
  • Cheap
  • Ready to go now
  • Same look as other people
  • Not cusomization
The second option is diythemes.com this is a more advanced option for those who want to supercharge their website. When you buy diythemes you don’t get a design, you get a framework to build a powerful search engine friendly website. You then need to get a custom design over the top of that framework to make it look good. You can get a designer to do that or we provide that service. If you do choose to do that with us you will save on the $97 purchase fee of that theme
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